Open Ended

#91: 'Wanna Just Kick It?'

Episode Summary

Cher and James talk about making new friends as adults, and well, it's kinda hard. In Open Call, Cher rediscovered a favorite rom-com, and got a surprise in the mail, while James talks about a radio event he attended in Brooklyn.

Episode Notes

Cher and James talk about making new friends as adults, and well, it's kinda hard. In Open Call, Cher rediscovered a favorite rom-com, and got a surprise in the mail, while James talks about a radio event he attended in Brooklyn.

Things we mentioned during today's episode:

University of Illinois at Chicago, where Cher is going to grad school in the fall.

Brooklyn, where James is trying to make long-lasting friendships

Today's sponsor, Cards Against Humanity. Buy their cards

Definitely, Maybe, a 2008 rom-com Cher really enjoyed

Gifts from CBS Sunday Morning!!!

Tape Fest, brought to the world by Mooj Zadie

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Thanks for listening, Love...

C + J